2025 Prices

Prices for the LSG International Summer School in 2025 are shown below.

We are pleased to offer Members of the London Suzuki Group a deduction of £20 per playing student from the total. This will be applied automatically when you tick the LSG Member box on your child’s application and enter your LSG Membership number.

Resident (on Campus)

Parent or Other Adult £797
Playing student age 7 & over £797
Playing student age 5 & 6 £707
Playing student under age 5 in a Bryanston bed £640
Playing student under age 5 if bedding and bed is brought £432
Unaccompanied Teenage Student £911
Accompanied Student (Teenage House) £866
Non-playing child age 5 & over £787
Non-playing child under age 5 in a Bryanston bed £372
Non-playing child under age 5 if bedding and bed is brought £0

Non-resident (Not staying on campus)

Fees include all meals and access to all facilities

Parent £624
Playing student age 7 & over £624
Playing student age 5 & 6 £540
Playing student under age 5 £468
Non-playing child age 5 & over £277
Non-playing child under age 5 £0


Overnight £92
Weekend (2 nights) £135
Child under age 5 if bedding and bed brought £0
Daily (Non-resident) – 1 Day £41
Daily (Non-resident) – 2 Days £82
Daily (Non-resident) – 3 Days

Daily (Non-resident) – Whole week



Teacher Trainees and BSMA Staff
Single Accommodation – 5 Nights £381
Single or Family Accommodation – 7 Nights £504
Non-resident – 5 Days £200
Non-resident – 7 Days £280

Suzuki Teacher Development Course

3 nights, (Sunday p.m. to Wednesday a.m. or Wednesday p.m. to Saturday a.m.) £279
6 nights (Sunday p.m. to Saturday a.m.) £457
Non-resident – 3 Days / 6 Days £145 / £290
Other Applicants
Trader – 7 days

Teacher Observer – 5 Days

Teacher Observer – 7 Day

Teacher Observer – Non-Resident 5 Days





Faculty Parent Helper – 7 Days (for Faculty with child/children – 25% discount applied) £522

NOTES: £100 deposit per fee paying person is due on booking. The balance is due by 1st June 2025.

Additional Classes – Fee of £52.50 or £66 applies

The Theory (£52.50) or Viola for Violinists (£52.50) or Bass for Cellists (£66) choices will be timetabled where possible as a 5th hour of classes. If this does not prove to be possible, the extra charge on application will be refunded to your credit card or in cash during the course. Please note that the hire of instruments for these additional courses (viola or double bass) is the responsibility of the family. If the hire is arranged through the course staff the full hire cost including transport plus an administration charge of £25 will be invoiced to the family.

Confirmation of booking will be sent by email with an invoice for the fees, further communications on course arrangements will not be sent until July. The organisers reserve the right to limit applications should any part of the course become over-subscribed or if Covid-19 regulations require.

In case of cancellation, the Terms & Conditions set out below will apply. We strongly recommend that you take out cancellation insurance. Suitable policies may be obtained from an insurance broker.

Note to BSMA Teacher Trainees and BSMA Staff

Accommodation/Catering fees for BSMA Teacher Trainees are built into our course application website and will be shown on your booking summary in the Dashboard screen. These are now charged to you direct rather than being invoiced to the BSMA as was the case prior to 2019, so please use one of the payment methods provided. If you apply after 1st June, please pay in full on application.

For BSMA staff, a combined invoice will be provided for payment after the course so please just click on Payment by Bank Transfer or Cheque to complete your application.

Note to Suzuki Teacher Development Course applicants

The Accommodation/Catering fees shown above are built into BSMA combined course fee that you will pay to them when you apply using their application form. We will invoice the BSMA to recover these fees for your stay at Bryanston. The BSMA will transfer the information on their application form into our system on your behalf.

Payment Methods (see also Apply page)

Please pay a deposit of £100 per fee paying person on application by one of the methods shown below.

Your places on the course will not be confirmed until this payment has been received.

Online payment is recommended using the TakePayments/BarclayCard secure system. Click on the Pay Deposit by card box at the bottom of the Application Dashboard screen.

This system can also be used to pay the Balance of fees by 1st June 2025. Log back into the Application Form and click on the Pay Balance box at the bottom of the dashboard screen.

Bank transfer electronic payments should be made to the London Suzuki Group account at:

Lloyds Bank PLC,

64 High Street,


Surrey, KT19 8AT,


Sort Code: 30 80 33          Account number: 23790360

Payments from abroad will need IBAN code: GB69LOYD30803323790360 and/or BIC code: LOYDGB21722.

Please use the Family Group Name assigned to you in the web registration when creating your Bryanston booking for all payments and other communications.

Cheques payments should be made out to the London Suzuki Group and sent to Philip Wake, 43 North Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1NF

Terms and Conditions

By ticking the Acceptance box and submitting the application form you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions which will apply to the summer school course initially offered and any subsequent summer school or course offered under our Covid-19 Contingency Plans:

  1. Course Payments and Cancellation Policy

a. Cancellation Terms for Illness: it is desirable for the safety of all on the summer school not to be exposed to infectious/contagious illnesses existing before the start of the summer school. If you or    members of your family are ill, please cancel before arrival and we will refund your fees less the deposits on the production of a Doctor’s certificate or letter stating the nature of the illness. This applies whether your places can be filled or not.

b. Standard Payment and Cancellation Terms

  • Please pay £100 per fee-paying person as a deposit on registering (if your booking cannot be confirmed due to the course being full, your deposit will be refunded in full).
  • Your places will not be confirmed until the complete deposit payment is received and you are sent an invoice showing the balance to pay.
  • Please pay the balance of fees by 1st June 2025.
  • Cancellation after your place(s) have been confirmed and by 1st June 2025 will result in the loss of your Deposit, if your place(s) cannot be filled.
  • Cancellation from 1st June 2025 onwards will result in the loss of your Deposit.
  • Cancellation after 1st July 2025 will result in the loss of your fee payments if your place(s) cannot be filled from the Waiting List.
  • Please ensure that any bank transfer charges (normally at least £7) are added to your payment so that we receive the full amount due.
  • Any refund that we make will be after deduction of any bank transfer charges (normally £15 at our bank).
  1. Responsibilities
  • Considerate behaviour is expected of all course participants at all times.
  • Please take full responsibility for the children you bring while on the Bryanston School site and on an excursion trip.
  • Please take full responsibility for your child or children when using the swimming pool or equipment in the Sports Centre.
  • Ensure that your teenage child or children, whether accompanied or unaccompanied on the course, understand the requirement for good and considerate behaviour, and the absolute zero tolerance of their use of alcohol, drugs or any form of smoking or vaping. They must carry out the instructions of the Teenage House wardens and other course staff. The LSG reserves the right to require teenagers breaking these rules to leave the course during the week and to ban such teenagers from attending the course in future.
  • You will be held responsible for any damage you or your child or children cause to the property of Bryanston School or the LSG, and the cost of repair or replacement will be charged to you.
  1. Videoing and Photography

There will not be an official video recording team at the summer school as the cost has become prohibitive. However, there may be an official photographer on-campus during the week.

  • You authorise the London Suzuki Group to use photographic and video images of your child or children for recognition, training or promotional purposes.
  • However, you may opt out of your child being photographed or videoed by the LSG. To do so, please tick the ‘Opt Out’ box on their application.
  • You may video record you own child’s performance and share it publicly if you wish, but you are requested and expected to be as unobtrusive as possible whilst videoing.
  • You may not video or photograph children from other families unless you have obtained the permission of their parent beforehand.
  • You may not video members of the faculty without their permission.
  1. Privacy and Data Protection
  • You permit the London Suzuki Group (LSG) to hold the personal information submitted in your booking for the purposes of organising and running the summer school and as reference for future summer schools or courses. These provisions are included in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which contain specific requirements to which the London Suzuki Group must conform in relation to electronic and hard copy personal data. For us, the main issue is that we must have positive consent from each of your group aged over 16, and from you for those under age 16 that you are responsible for, to hold and process your individual personal information (data) for the purposes of running the summer school. Completion of the registration form will be taken as the express consent of you and all the members of your group for the LSG to hold and process this personal data. There is a link to the LSG Privacy Policy on the course application website and on the LSG main website.