Natasha Sym started her Suzuki journey in Australia around the age of 4, growing up in a passionate Suzuki community. Natasha experienced first-hand the magic and love that the Suzuki way can bring through an energetic studio and workshops, leading to achieving an A.Mus.A. in Australia and moving on to complete the Suzuki Teacher Training course.
Natasha is passionate about music being accessible to everybody, especially in early years development. With music, Natasha promotes and facilitates student and community connections to help foster growth and respect. Working internationally as an Occupational Therapist for 10 years, Natasha worked in different cultural and developmental settings. With this combined life experience influencing her outlook, Natasha is passionate about developing, with each student, their own uniqueness and helping them grow in their love for music and exploration of life. Natasha currently lives just outside of Edinburgh with her family, where she has maintained this philosophy through her teaching in her own thriving studio and teaching at workshops.